Student Showcase: Babeth Velghe
Exploring the Swift OpenAPI Generator and presenting at a conference
Student Showcase: Marwane Koutar
A Visual Studio Code extension for Swift on AWS Lambda
Swift Craft logo
Student volunteers at Swift Craft
Mona and Chardeh report their experiences volunteering at a Swift conference
Logo for SwiftWasm
2024: A Year In Conferences
Speaking about Swift for WebAssembly
Logo for Visual Studio Code
Swift for Visual Studio Code
Improving the developer experience of Swift on Linux and Windows
open source
Logo for Swift
Launching our first course
"Programming with Swift: Fundamentals" is our introductory programming course
Logo for Highlight.js
Contributing to Highlight.js
Better syntax highlighting for Swift in websites and documentation
open source
Logo for ServerSide.swift
ServerSide.swift 2018
Server-side web apps with Kitura and Stencil
Logo for Around The Table
Around The Table
Board gaming powered by Swift and Kitura
open source
Logo for Visual Studio Code
Stencil for Visual Studio Code
Improving the developer experience of Stencil in Visual Studio Code